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    Using arduino To Fuzzing Tool

    https://www.mdsec.co.uk/2017/05/hacking-hardware-with-an-arduino/ Hacking Hardware with an Arduino - MDSec Sometimes on embedded systems (such as routers or webcams), the manufacturer has left debugging ports on the board. These ports are obviously not meant for the public as they are... www.mdsec.co.uk 아두이노를 퍼저 (하드웨어)로 사용하는 것 같다. 저 글은 라우터를 상대로 하고 있는데, github 코드도 있고 연구에 사용될 수도 있으니 한 번 읽어보자.

    파이썬 버전 변경

    sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python2 1 sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3 2 update-alternatives --config python

    shodan.io Honey tips

    morphuslabs.com/hacking-the-iot-with-mqtt-8edaf0d07b9b Hacking the IoT with MQTT In this post i will talk about the MQTT protocol and some security concerns related to it. Some real examples and proof of concept code… morphuslabs.com

    peda, pwndbg, gef 동시 설치

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